Brettstapel Manufacturers



There are almost twenty manufacturers of Brettstapel in Europe, including businesses here in the UK, each producing one of the main variants of Brettstapel shown on the What is it? page. Each has its own processes, scale of production, and range of services on offer.

The red pins on the map denote Brettstapel manufacturers and the green houses denote Brettstapel projects in the UK. Click on the red pins to find links to each of the manufacturers. As many of the manufacturers in mainland Europe do not have information in English, look out for the phrases ‘Dübelholz’ and ‘Massivholzbau’ as well as ‘Brettstapel’.

For further information please refer to individual manufacturers’ websites - and don’t forget to mention that you found their details here!

If you’re working on a Brettstapel project we would love to hear from you so that we can add it to the projects page and map!


© James Henderson / Sam Foster / Matt Bridgestock / 2012